The Master of Philately Degree:

On May 19th 1947, during the fourth CIPEX (Centenary International Philatelic Exhibition) held in New York City, the Master of Philately Degree was first conferred. Originally managed by the Masonic Stamp Club of New York, currently the degree is under the control of the George Washington Masonic Stamp club (GWMSC) and is conferred once a year during our annual meeting in February.

As with many degrees, the Master of Philately teaches important lessons.

Interested in receiving the degree? GWMSC Membership, attendance at any Annual Meeting(February), and an advance reservation are required to obtain the Master of Philately, conferred annually by GWMSC at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial. Contact any GWMSC Officer in advance for your degree reservation.

Our Schedule:

The Club now meets once a year; In February.
At our Annual Meeting in February we confir the Master of Philately Degree on awaiting candidates.
Our Semi-Annual Meetings in September have been called off at this time.


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